Health Effects Of Smoking

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Half of full smokers die of a smoking-related disease .

About 5,000 people die each year in New Zealand because of smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. This is 13 people per day. It is not too late to quit.

How smoking affects your body

Every cigarette you smoke harms nearly every organ and system in your body . Over 60 chemicals in cigarette smoke can cause cancer .

Your lungs cigarette smoke damage the tiny hairs (cilia ) that help to clean your lungs. Without these hairs , the toxins of the cigarette smoke remains in the lungs , and can move to other organs via blood circulation . Your lungs are covered with tar. Smoking is the cause of over 80 per cent of lung cancers in New Zealand .

Your skin: Smokers tend to get wrinkles sooner than non-smokers . This may be because smoking decreases blood flow and can damage tissues ( collagen and elastin ) .

Your blood : Many chemicals in tobacco smoke are found in the bloodstream and can travel through your body .

Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body of oxygen . Every cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure , and a narrowing of the small blood vessels under the skin. It slows your blood flow, reduce oxygen to your feet and hands. Your fingers and toes become cold .
- Tobacco kills Quitline

Your mouth : Smoking causes gum disease, oral cancer , loss of taste, stained teeth , mouth sores and bad breath . Visit Smoking and oral health for more information .


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