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In 2004, USDA scientists investigated over 100 foods to measure their concentration of antioxidants per serving...

6 Fruits You Should Never Peel

Most of the time, eat healthy requires a little more work, such as preparing me
als at home and thoroughly inspect food labels. So this health tip will come as a positive change: Lowers and stop peeler to remove the edible skins of fruits and vegetables.
Colored shells outside their products are often antioxidants most concentrated source of vitamins, minerals and.
Now this does not mean that all the nutrients found only in the shells; Experts say to peel a tomato, for example, you will not lose much of its beneficial lycopene. However, there are some independent shells that offer a unique advantage of the flesh of the fruit or vegetable.

Here are six that you should know.

1. Apples

Peel an apple will not actually fly a lot of vitamin C, but lose in pectin, a soluble fiber that can help keep you regular and lower your blood sugar "bad" LDL cholesterol and blood.

2. Carrots

Carrots are rich in a chemical-polyacetylenes substance being studied for their potential to destroy human cancer cells in test tubes. They can have antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. \
However, these compounds are concentrated just under the skin, so either leave their skin or go easy with the carrot peeler to remove only a thin strip.

3. Potatoes
Gram for gram, potato skins have more fiber, iron and potato folic acid in the meat. When planting potatoes, purple potatoes and choose very pigmented skin becomes even more important.
Researchers from the University of Maine say the skins of the potatoes contain 5 to 10 times more antioxidants than the flesh.

4. Cucumbers

Kernels cukes have less calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin K, and their intact. In addition, almost all cucumber fibers from the shell inner meat is primarily water.

5. Eggplant
 An antioxidant is nasunin with which Eggplant skin is packed. The compound has not been widely studied on their own, but a study in animals found in the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health in the US He suggested that it might be important to maintain brain tissue healthy.

6. Grapes

Although the grapes are one of the worst summer fruits because most pesticides are used on grapes than any other fruit, not cut your skin or time.

The skins are where you find all phytochemical resveratrol 'red grapes that seems to benefit the heart and brain health and has been shown to slow cancer growth in cell and animal studies.

So these are the fruits not to peel off before eating.

13 Health Benefits of Watermelon

Following are the 13 benefits of Watermelon that are important.

  •  Antioxidant properties
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Anti-cancer benefits
  • Rich source of vitamin C
  • Beta-carotene & manganese
  • Free radical scavenger
  • Anti-estrogenic effects
  • Helps with hydration
  • Helps with blood pressure
  • Aids in digestion
  • Beneficial for pyorrhoea
  • Helpful with constipation
  • Natural remedy for treating tapeworms

10 Benefits of Pomegranate

The health benefits of pomegranate are as mentioned:
  • Helps with depression
  • Powerful, nutrition dense food
  • High in anti-oxidants
  • Potent immune supporter
  • May protect against osteoporosis
  • May prevent & slow Alzheimer’s
  • May reduce PSA levels
  • Raises HDL levels
  • Enhances oral health
  • Keeps blood platelets from sticking together

Health Benefits of Almond

  1. They reduce heart attack risk.
    Weekly consumption of almonds results in reducing risks of heart attack.
  2. They lower ‘bad’ cholesterol.
    Almonds effect blood cholesterol levels to reduce.
  3. They protect artery walls from damage.
    It’s flavonoids work with the vitamin E, thus reduce the risk of heart disease.
  4. Almonds help build strong bones and teeth.
  5. They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss.
    Nurse’s Health Study says,” Nut eaters are thinner than those who never consume it, although it contain high amount of fats.
  6. Almonds lower the blood sugar.
  7. They help provide good brain function.
    Almonds contain nutrients that boost brain activity and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  8. They nourish the nervous system.
  9. They alkalize the body.
    Almonds are the only nuts that are alkaline forming.

Health Benefits Of Water

The benefits of water are as following:
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Healthy Skin
  • Prevent joint pains & arthritis
  • Boost energy
  • Fights infection
  • Prevent constipation
  • Get rid of body toxins
  • Reduce eisk of cancer
  • Healthy heart
  • Improves productivity

Benefits Of Banana For Daily Life

You will never look at a banana the same way after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add to your diet. Bananas combat depression , make you smarter , cure hangovers , relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer , diabetes , osteoporosis and blindness. The itch of mosquito bite can be cured by them.

If you thought that bananas are just for monkeys, think again.

  • Bananas help to overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan ,which is converted into serotonin - the happy brain - humor neurotransmitter.
  • Eating two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack a punch of energy
  • and keep your blood sugar in the blood.
  • Protect against muscle cramps during exercise and leg Night cramps while eating a banana.
  • Counter the loss of calcium during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana.
  • Bananas can improve your mood and make PMS symptoms to reduce, which regulates blood glucose and produces a anti- stress relaxation.
  • Bananas reduce swelling , protect against diabetes type II , using weights loss , strengthen the nervous system , and assist in the production of white blood cells, while due to high levels of vitamin B -6.
  • Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the addition of iron bananas.
  • Rich in potassium and low in salt, bananas can be recognized by the FDA as they lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.

Eating bananas helps digestion

  • Rich in pectin, bananas digestion and toxins gently and chelate heavy metals from the body
  • Bananas act as a prebiotic , stimulating the growth of good bacteria in intestine . They also produce digestive enzymes to help absorb nutrients.
  • Constipated ? Fiber-rich banana can help normalize intestinal motility.
  • You have tracks ? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhea .
  • Bananas are a natural antacid , providing relief from acid reflux Heartburn and GERD 
  • Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress alleviate stomach ulcers in the lining of the stomach lining against the corrosive acids

Natural Remedies simple banana

  • Eating bananas can help avoid kidney cancer and strengthen bones by increasing calcium absorption.

  • Bananas make you smarter and assist learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to receive high levels potassium .
  • Bananas are rich in antioxidants and providing protection from chronic diseases.
  • Eat a banana between meals helps to stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea of morning sickness.
  • Rub an insect bite or hives inside of the banana skin to relieve itching and irritation.
  • Control blood sugar and prevent cravings between meals eating a banana.
  • Eating a banana can reduce body temperature and cool off during a fever or a hot day.
  • Natural mood enhancer tryptophan , helps relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD).
  • Bananas contain high levels of B vitamins and potassium and magnesium to accelerate healing effects withdrawal.
  • Remove a wart placed inside a piece of banana skin against the wart and tape it in place.

  • Rub inside a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with the healp of dry cloth to make a quick burst.

Healthy Body And Mind

Having a healthy diet is not about yourself starve. When you embark on such a journey, the goal is to have a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables that will help you clear your body and flush toxins . The rewards are huge, because they will not limit only your body , but they extend to the mind and spirit as well. In addition, adding a consistent workout routine will help improve your overall health.

Here is a set of useful to help you with your game plan measures :

A . Start with a positive mindset
Observe and learn from experts in health and well -being. Most of them have a strong presence in online media and social . This makes it easier for you to research and choose the one that best suits your needs on how to stay in good shape . Whether you are on a diet so you can look good in your bikini, or just because you care about your health, make sure you stay motivated to achieve the best results .

2 . Make a plan and make sure you stick
How much weight do you lose in how long? Set realistic goals for each week and record your progress. Arrange for a diet buddy for keeping yourself on track with the development & compare notes . Surround yourself with motivational quotes and keep visualizing your goal image .

3 . Never underestimate the power of chlorophyll
Opt for green vegetables , especially dark green leaves. The more the better . They are full of fiber,minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants.

Thank you to Dr. Oz green juice has become immensely popular . Juice is not only quick and easy to prepare, but it is the best way to start your day with . According to Kris Carr , New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Diet, all you need is : organic celery, a peeled cucumber , some romaine, kale and pear.

Juicing is a great way to get your recommended daily dose of fruits and vegetables , reduces inflammation and gives you a big boost of energy . And it is wonderful for your immune system .

4 . Hydrate
Water is essential for carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells . You need water for your overall metabolism . It also helps tremendously with the detoxification process , keeping the well functioning of your immune system. It supports digestion and the transport and disposal of waste products in the blood. Make sure you drink a glass of water every hour.

5 . Choose a workout that you enjoy
Include in your plan a workout that allows you to add muscle while you lose fat. Zumba can be a good option. It's fun, high-energy Latin rhythms and easy to follow . If you are more into something softer, a Pilates session or a series of exercises of hatha yoga will help your flexibility and strengthen your muscles.

If this is not your bag try walking or swimming . Another option would Abs Six - Minute Tim Ferriss outlined in his book The 4-Hour Body. Whatever tickles your fancy .

6 . Avoid mixing carbohydrates and proteins
Most nutritionists are reserved on this combination. It slows down the digestive process. Proteins are digested different from carbohydrates . Mix acidic foods like meat, fish and cheese with fruits and vegetables cause alkaline fermentation in the intestines. If you can not give up your steak and baked potatoes , no worries , you can still have. But not at the same meal .

7 . Do not forget to reward yourself
Punish you will not help . Occasionally , when you notice that you are closer to your goal , treat yourself . In this way , stick to a healthy diet does not feel as a trap. Avoid yourself from ice cream or small pieces of your favorite cheesecake chocolate. It will not be the end of the world .

Obsessed with your daily food and push yourself too hard intake will not get you anywhere. The key is to eat in moderation and exercise have set realistic goals. It is to find the balance that suits you

Tawa Boti Recipe

Tawa Boti Recipe
Look Down Its Very Simple.


  • First put 1/2kg boneless meat for half an hour, he mixed in two teaspoons ginger-garlic
  • Paste, 4 tablespoons lemon juice, 100g yogurt, 1 cup cream, 2 tablespoons Papaya Paste and 1 teaspoon of salt. Now do the oil is hot in a baking dish, then put a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, 6 green peppers, 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, seeds 1/2 tsp carom, 1 teaspoon curry powder and 1/2 teaspoons of polished black cardamom, stir and put the meat in it and then cover and cook for at least half an hour.
  • Could last half coriander, mix and put the fire out.


Boneless meat
1/2 kg
2 /-
Green Chilli
6 /-
1 cup
1/2 cup
1/2 cocoon
1 tea spoon
Curry Powder
1 tea spoon
Ginger-Garlic Paste
2 tea
Fenugreek Seeds
1 tea spoon
Carom seeds
1/2 tea spoons
Grinded Black Cardamom
1/2 tea spoon
Lemon Juice
4 table spoon
Papaya Paste
2 table spoon
2 /-

Its ready!

Beauty Care

"A straightforward we believe that taking care of your appearance should be simple and uncomplicated."
  • Mash Up lawyer and use it as a body scrub
  • Take a cold shower to make breasts look larger
  • A burst of evening primrose oil and apply to places the capsule to heal faster
  • Antihistamine to reduce red cheeks
  • Rub fresh in your face to get rid of freckles strawberries
  • Use of cranberry juice to stimulate hair shine and improve color
  • Add oil of peppermint lip gloss to enhance pout
  • Yeast mixed up with water for bleaching hair
  • Soot a match spent on a makeup brush for smoky eyes look
  • A small jet of lemonade on wet hair to give hand and texture

Good Looks And Beauty

"Many women are willing to go to extreme lengths to fight against the aging process and it is their choice. Our advice is to follow a healthy lifestyle instead of being pushed to try the latest fashions or invasive surgery."

  • Super Glue broken finger nails rather than tear off
  • Steam face in the water with fresh herbs added
  • Vaseline to smooth frizzy hair
  • Heated eyelash curlers eyes before use
  • Sleep on your back to avoid wrinkles
  • Add sugar soap to exfoliate
  • Rinse hair with beer
  • Iron long hair to make it flat (before straighteners were invented )
  • Lemon juice to whiten tips of nails
  • Kept eyebrows and eye pencils and lipsticks in the fridge
  • Pour milk bath or skin
  • Apply the beaten eggs in hair to make it shiny
  • Whitening toothpaste to avoid of fake tan on palms
  • Mix one drop of serum with foundation to make skin glow
  • Rub an ice cube on your face to reduce wrinkles and acne
  • Use the cold setting on hair dryer to put mascara
  • Sleeping on silk pillowcase help reduce wrinkles
  • Tomato ketchup on reverse for hair dyeing hair
  • Pumpkin and coconut oil on your hair to give a boost of moisture
  • Coffee to beat cellulite